© Bob Van Mol
Sportcentrum Vogelenzang
Thursday 14 October 21
Architecture Workroom Brussels
Towards more Food Land
Both local demand and international objectives are at the root of a desired evolution towards shorter food chains. More local food requires more 'Land for Food'. At the same time, the available space for agriculture is under severe pressure due to urbanisation, nature development but also the consequences of climate change such as droughts and floods. The agricultural land around the city is shrinking rapidly, just where demand is highest. Can we turn the tide and create more space for local food production? With whom can we work towards more Food Land? What new types of projects will emerge if we think of the city (periphery) in terms of food issues? And how can citizens themselves contribute to this challenge?
A textbook example for these questions is the green Neerpede, the largest rural area in the Brussels Region. That’s where our walk takes place, our search for good examples that directly or indirectly contribute to more Food Land. We start at the entrance of the Vogelenzangvallei and take you along the experimental fields of BoerenBruxselPaysans, we cross the Vogelzang nature reserve and traverse the Brussels-Flanders border on Herdeweg-Kouter. Then we return along Erasmus Hospital and end at the Kattekasteel, future hub for urban food projects.
The walk will take place on Thursday 14 October 2021 and is part of the Great Transformation 2020-2030 in collaboration with Archiweek (Urban.Brussels).
Guides: Bram Vandemoortel (AWB) (NL) and Lene De Vrieze (AWB) (FR)
Starts: 14:00 at Sports Centre Vogelenzang
Ends: 17:00 at the Vogelenzang Sports Centre
Distance: 4-5 km
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